[Turbo Incanto Hood T6001 Exclusive] Get FREE 6 pieces of Carbon Mat Filter Worth $36 With Any Purchase of Turbo Incanto T6001 Designer Hood!


From 16 March to 30 April 2021, customers of Turbo Italia can save on filter mats for their hoods, as they will be getting free 6 pieces of Turbo Incanto TNT947 carbon mat filter (worth $36) with any purchase Turbo Incanto designer hood (T6001-90SS 90cm or T6001-60SS 60cm). As an important component that keeps the hood working, the carbon mat filter is able to filter grease and odors during cooking and minimise these deposits on the hood. The frequency of replacing the filter depends on how often the homeowners cook and type of cooking at home, but these free filter mats will provide a peace of mind to home cooks.  

Turbo Incanto T6001 designer hood is equipped with features such as built-in lamp, 3-speed control, washable metal grease filter and more. 

Interested home owners can head over to authorised gas, electrical, hardware and sanitary dealers’ stores to find out more about Turbo Incanto designer hood during the promotion period.

Turbo Incanto T6001 Designer Hood Promotion 

Period:                 16 March to 30 April 2021 

Location:             Audio House, Best Denki, Courts, Gain City, Harvey Norman, Mustafa, all gas, electrical and hardware dealers 

Website:              www.turbo-italia.com 

